Friday, November 6, 2015

is there a theme?

if there is a theme, its soundtrack is either faith, by george michael, or ha! don't be mad, love will keep us together, who is it, who is it? captain and tenile. peaches and 'h'erb. or, trick daddy in da wind.

so fkg random this one. the musical theme can be better illustrated by the other online scatterheart writing pad: 365on21ststreet.

let's choose authenticity! for example i colored my hair 'cause you know, you aren't supposed to look older. but it's so fake. i hate being fake. i would rather have grooves in my face and gold* teeth than not recognize myself for trying to change this miraculous insanely gorgeous thing i got when i dove down here.

* notice i didn't say yellow, which is my second favorite color

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

do you

integrity. revisited.

walking the talk.

oh, a friend brought a smile to my face tonight. she'd taken me up on the suggestion to give blessings as you fall asleep, or whenever, like the metta prayer, thousands and thousands upon thousands of times. and she experienced the power of giving a blessing to a stranger, who received her blessing and shouted, gracias, through tears.

and what is extra great about this particular contrarian friend. what, that's a word. is that she resents having to practice gratitude, as if forcibly. which i admire. she wants authenticity. 

see, it works.

and it doesn't have to be precise, it's just action in the direction of the intention. for example. if you want to bring more creativity into your life, commit to one thing. take one step. write one word. and make it beautiful.




we are creatures of air, our roots in dreams and clouds, reborn in flight.