Monday, January 20, 2014

(jeremiah jenkins, thank you)

whatcha whatcha whatcha want
ABUNDANCE. free money. Attraction: what you put your thoughts to. where your energy goes. What you attract. What attracts you.
all caps? script? freestyle? Bauhaus?
Generosity, gratitude. Desire. Dreams. what does home feel like? what does it look like?  mine looks like a polished cement couch that's heated. and on it comes one of those lovers you can run your fingers over, and maybe a cat.  and a light filled room with a view and trees and peace.  and awesome. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

it's astounding, time is fleeting

truth means different things to different people.

what's yours? what is important to you? what do you most value?




we are creatures of air, our roots in dreams and clouds, reborn in flight.